Discover how it sounds like!

Many of our voices include what we call Voice Smileys, Like laughter #LAUGH01# , or sneezing #SNEEZE01# as well as specific recordings to breathe more life into your message.
Click on the player to listen to the audio result of the voice sample that includes both sounds (in deep blue) and exclamations (in blue).

dark blue : sounds

light blue : exclamations

#MMM03# Brilliant! This is delicious! I would really appreciate to have the recipe!  Thank you!
[voix: Rachel, Anglais (UK)]

00:00 / 00:00

Ah! Easy! Listen! Here is the answer. An apple is an edible and round fruit with firm, white flesh, with green, red, or yellow skin. Your turn! #LAUGH01#
[voice: Rosie, Anglais (UK)]

00:00 / 00:00

#THROAT02# Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please! Welcome aboard this train number 1428 to Paris. The departure is scheduled at 9:25 a.m. I will have the pleasure of keeping you informed regularly along the way. I wish you a pleasant journey!
[voice: Lily, Anglais (US)]

00:00 / 00:00

Hello, My name is Peter. \vce=speaker=PeterSad\ When the news is so depressing, I feel like I’m going to cry \pau=100\ #CRY04# \vce=speaker=PeterHappy\ But I can also be the life of the party, when things turn out to be funny!#LAUGH03#
[voice: Peter, Anglais (UK)]

00:00 / 00:00

#CLAXON# ¡Hola! Yo soy Emilio. ¡Oye! Me gusta mucho preparar deliciosos pasteles durante mi tiempo libre. #MMM01#. Pero tanto cocinar cansa mucho! #YAWN02#. #LAUGH01 . Hablo tambien ingles. \vce=voice=EmilioEnglish22k_NT\. Come on, Let’s play in the park ! Later, alligator!
[voice: Emilio, bilingual English/Spanish (US)]

00:00 / 00:00

Bonjour! Comment vas-tu? Je m’appelle Valentin. J’adore courir et chanter ou imiter le bruit des animaux. Écoute! ! #CAT# #DOG# #FROG#. Tu veux jouer avec moi? A plus tard, Balthazar !
[voice: Valentin, Français]

00:00 / 00:00

Select language+voice to hear voice smileys.

Click on sounds to listen to pieces that may be added to enhance the final audio rendering.

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What are Sounds?

Sounds are produced by the speakers’ voice for laughing, breathing, sneezing, coughing or whatever sounds our voices can produce to mimic sounds we make in our daily lives. These sounds help produce totally realistic text to speech messages. Sounds are always between two pound signs #LAUGH01# in capital letters and sometimes followed by numbers if there are more than one of the same kind. The children’s voices have a lot of sounds.

What are Exclamations?

We built a trully realistic voice generator that can also deal with exclamations. Exclamations are a bit trickier to select and we kept the most commonly used ones. Exclamations are always followed by an exclamation sign (!) – quite obviously – but without the blank between the word and the sign. If there is a blank left in between, the exclamation will be ignored. You may noticed that in some cases certain exclamations in the document are doubled by the same exclamation in brackets (“), this is simply to avoid that the (“) causes a pause with these exclamations that already have pauses.

How does it work?

In both cases you simply need to insert realistic sounds and exclamations in your text and they well be uttered correctly if you are using the right voice. Not all voices have sounds and exclamations, in some cases we can make additional recordings, in some cases we can provide substitutes (that’s when (S) is written after the text string, don’t copy this part of course).